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Implants can be instantly loaded, i.e. do prosthetic work after a few days. Implantation is performed transgingivally (no cuts, stitches, pain or swelling).
Implants Champions
Implants are titanium supports that are placed in the jaw. After integration with the jawbone, the implant can be used for a supporting crown, a bridge or as a support for a complete prosthesis. Dental implants are used to remove partial and full dentures.
Implants have been successfully used for more than thirty years with great success, and you have the function and feel of your real teeth. Dental implants have become a standard replacement for natural teeth.
Made of high-quality ceramics, so they are excellent when changing the color or position of the teeth. They are made in a laboratory and are long-lasting. The tooth is ground only on the front side approx. 0,5 mm.
Minimal sanding, direct production in the office, aesthetically very good, finished in the first visit, cheaper than ceramic ones
The advantages over metal-ceramic constructions are the light-permeable material, it contributes to a more natural appearance of the teeth, they are more bicompatible (there is no gray matter with the gums), and the durability of the prosthetic work is due to the high quality and strength of the material.